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Album: L'Aldila + Manhattan Baby

Fabio Frizzi : L'Aldila + Manhattan Baby

Artist: Fabio Frizzi

Album: L'Aldila + Manhattan Baby

Genre: Soundtrack

Price: $ 0.99


# Track Title kbpsMode Length MBSize Price
1 Track01 165 4:01 4.72 $ 0.1
2 Track02 167 2:59 3.56 $ 0.1
3 Track03 164 1:25 1.66 $ 0.1
4 Track04 165 4:34 5.38 $ 0.1
5 Track05 167 4:04 4.83 $ 0.1
6 Track06 165 4:28 5.25 $ 0.1
7 Track07 158 4:00 4.50 $ 0.1
8 Track08 164 4:21 5.07 $ 0.1
9 Track09 157 2:23 2.68 $ 0.1
10 Track10 172 3:24 4.18 $ 0.1
11 Track11 159 4:23 4.97 $ 0.1
12 Track12 (Manhattan Baby) 153 5:00 5.45 $ 0.1
13 Track13 (Manhattan Baby) 155 4:12 4.63 $ 0.1
14 Track14 (Manhattan Baby) 157 2:53 3.24 $ 0.1
15 Track15 (Manhattan Baby) 136 5:12 5.04 $ 0.1
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