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Just Added

Other Albums

Album: The chase

Brisa Roche : The chase

Artist: Brisa Roche

Album: The chase

Year: 2005
Genre: Jazz

Price: $ 1.04


# Track Title kbpsMode Length MBSize Price
1 Airplane 192 1:57 2.68 $ 0.1
2 Mystery Man 192 2:44 3.76 $ 0.1
3 Dans le vert de ses yeux 192 3:11 4.38 $ 0.1
4 Billionaire 192 2:34 3.54 $ 0.1
5 Dial me up 192 2:37 3.60 $ 0.1
6 Warned 192 2:56 4.04 $ 0.1
7 Little Robot 192 3:15 4.47 $ 0.1
8 Intermission 192 0:50 1.15 $ 0.1
9 Torchlight 192 2:50 3.89 $ 0.1
10 Luxury 192 3:07 4.27 $ 0.1
11 Baby shut your eyes 192 3:56 5.41 $ 0.1
12 Intermission 2 192 0:52 1.19 $ 0.1
13 Coco 192 2:04 2.83 $ 0.1
14 Flying too hight 192 2:56 4.04 $ 0.1
15 Sugarfight 192 3:22 4.62 $ 0.1
16 At the shore 192 3:21 4.60 $ 0.1
17 Intermission 192 1:08 1.56 $ 0.1
18 Helmet 192 2:21 3.24 $ 0.1
19 Now that it's long over 192 4:06 5.64 $ 0.1
20 Du bout des yeux 192 2:49 3.87 $ 0.1
21 Summer surprise 192 3:52 5.31 $ 0.1
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