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Other Albums

Album: Greatest Hit ( And 21 other pretty cool songs ) (cd 2)

Dream Theater : Greatest Hit ( And 21 other pretty cool songs ) (cd 2)

Artist: Dream Theater

Album: Greatest Hit ( And 21 other pretty cool songs ) (cd 2)

Year: 2008
Genre: Rock

Price: $ 0.99


# Track Title kbpsMode Length MBSize Price
1 Another day (2007 remix) 218 4:25 6.88 $ 0.1
2 To live forever 222 4:56 7.84 $ 0.1
3 Lifting shadows off a dream 222 6:10 9.76 $ 0.1
4 The silent man 194 3:48 5.26 $ 0.1
5 Hollow years 217 5:56 9.18 $ 0.1
6 Through her eyes (alternate album mix) 176 6:03 7.62 $ 0.1
7 The spirit carries on 208 6:40 9.89 $ 0.1
8 Solitary shell (single edit) 217 4:11 6.48 $ 0.1
9 I walk beside you 222 4:29 7.11 $ 0.1
10 The answer lies within 192 5:16 7.21 $ 0.1
11 Disappear 198 6:46 9.56 $ 0.1
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